Welcome to a New Year! 2022 is ripe with opportunity, which means it’s time to set some mindful intentions for the year ahead.
While you may be inclined to set some ambitious resolutions for yourself, these hard and fast goals can end up causing more stress and disappointment than anything else. By setting intentions, you’re walking into a new year with some broad ideas and a positive attitude that will define the year ahead.
Set a Theme For The Year
Trying to choose a goal for the year can be overwhelming. To make it easier on yourself, choose a theme for the year instead. It can be a simple sentence or even a single word like “abundance,” “self-love,” “adventure,” or “healing,” to list a few.
Discover Your Why
You can keep yourself motivated and focused on your theme by doing some soul-searching. The following questions can help you understand the “why” behind your theme for this year:
- Why is this theme so important to me?
- How will it benefit my life?
- How will my life be if I lose sight of it?
Start Small, Be Specific
Lofty goals seem overwhelming because they are overwhelming. Trying to make any major life changes overnight will often result in an abandoned goal in a few short weeks. Instead, break your big dreams up into smaller, more achievable short-term goals so you can slowly chip away at them one day, or week, at a time.
Write it Out
To achieve your dreams, you need to keep them at the forefront of your mind. You can do this by writing them down and continuing to revisit them. Whether you choose to journal or write positive reminders on sticky notes all around your home, keep your dreams in your sights and on your mind.
Make it a Journey
Look at the year as a journey that you’re taking to achieve your hopes and dreams. Don’t focus on the finish line, and remember that it’s not about success or failure. Your intentions for the year should become a part of your everyday thinking and inspire you to live each day to the fullest.
Avoid Resolutions
Many people find themselves choosing the same unrealistic resolutions each year and end up disappointed when they cannot achieve them. This year, set broad intentions that delight your soul. Consider the following for some inspiration:
- Be more present in each moment.
- Learn to forgive others and myself.
- Try things that scare me.
Write Your Ingredient List For Happiness
This list is your reminder of the activities, thoughts, and experiences that bring you joy and meaning. Here are some examples.
“I feel happy and fulfilled when I:”
- Practice mindful meditation.
- Free my home of clutter.
- Move my body.
- Connect with friends and family.
- Eat nutritious meals.
- Spend time outdoors.
- Get restful sleep.
- Make time for reading.
Your life will be filled with more meaning and happiness as you incorporate more of these “ingredients” that bring you joy.
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