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Thrive is now open!
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The Thrive Team is happy to announce that we are now fully reopen to the public. Thrive will continue to be staffed for members, non-members, drop-ins and tours starting the week of September 21 during the following days and hours:
Mondays – Thursdays 10AM – 2PM
We’ll continue to reevaluate these hours for staffing and are available during all business hours to support YOU in any way possible.
With the new software and app used to unlock our door, we have decided to keep the door locked at all times for our safety and security.
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New feature!
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Rent an office by the day
In response to changing needs of telecommuters and work-from-home needs, we’re now pleased to offer a new Rent and Office by the Day Program!
Our small offices provide a different level of both privacy and quiet for some who may want to work outside of the home for a day or more per week. There are currently only 2 offices available and we expect this program to take off quickly once we advertise, so members, you’re finding out first and should act quickly to get your day locked in!
Here’s the exciting details!
Offices will be available for FULL DAYS only to allow for cleaning and sanitation between uses. Your rental will be for the SAME DAY and SAME OFFICE each week. Offices by the day are on a month-to-month basis
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Get started today for just $150 / month for one day per week
Questions? Contact Braelyn or Rosemary to get setup, or click here to sign up now!
Your health and safety remain a key part of finding our way back to working together, so as a reminder, we continue to follow the Maricopa County Masking Ordinance of June 20, 2020, and the recommendations of the MCHD to stay healthy and safe are in place:
Masks are required for all members and guests when not at your desk working
Maintain 6’ of distance when interacting with others and if unable, ensure you are wearing a mask
Sanitize and wash regularly.
Avoid congregating in common areas
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To assist, Thrive will provide:
– Masks at no cost for both guests and members
– Regular cleaning and daily sanitation
– Sanitation stations
– Disposable kitchen items
– Distancing desks and workspaces
– Limiting the total number of people in the space
– Signage and friendly reminders for non-compliance
– We’ve missed seeing many of you and look forward to your return to Thrive soon!
We’d love for you to tell your friends and coworkers we are open and now offering more ways to work.
Stay connected! Stay healthy!
The Thrive Team
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