Masks required at Thrive

August 6, 2020

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Dear Members:

According to the Maricopa County Mask Ordinance, masks must be worn at all times in Thrive, as we are a “Place of public accommodation.” Additionally, the ordinance gives businesses the right to require even more stringent masking guidelines should they deem it necessary.  

The Maricopa County ordinance is enforceable through education and with repeated notices, fines may be applied for non-compliance.

Please note that the Town of Gilbert mask ordinance expired leaving the Maricopa County ordinance in place until further notice which we realize may have caused some confusion.

In order for Thrive to remain open, and provide the safest and healthiest environment possible, until further notice, we are complying with the ordinance and members must at all times:

  • Wear a mask upon entering Thrive
  • Wear a mask when you are not seated at your desk. You may remove your mask while working but when getting up to go to the kitchen, restroom, etc. masks are required
  • Maintain 6’ of distance when interacting with other members and if unable, ensure you are wearing a mask
  • All guests must wear a mask upon entering
  • Masks are provided at no cost for both guests and members.
  • All staff will be wearing masks when in the space

Additionally, we are providing sanitation stations and encourage frequent hand-washing.

We realize that there are varying opinions regarding masks and that sadly, it has become politicized. At Thrive, we are working with our government and health officials and are following the Maricopa County Mask Ordinance of June 20, 2020 until further notice.

As a business serving the public, we must protect our members, our business and ensure that we will not face fines or shutdown due to non-compliance or sickness spreading at our space.

Thank you for your cooperation during this time! We realize that the spread of Covid-19 is lasting much longer than any of us felt and we can grow tired of the regulations; however, we have statewide closures and restrictions in place that are helping to reduce our cases and hospitalizations and at Thrive, we want to do our part in helping us to return to full capacity as soon as possible.

Please contact me with any questions and thank you for being the supportive community you all are!



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